Thursday, August 4, 2011

This and That

Its been a busy, sad, creative week around here.

Our refrigerator decided to go on the fritz so it had to be cleaned out, the contents moved to the refrigerator in our camper, and a repairman called to come fix it.

Laundry has been mountainous! But I think I am finally getting back on top of it. When 4 guys come home from a great week a camp and dump a weeks worth of dirty laundry x 4 in the laundry room, things get out of whack fast. :)

The weather has been so hot. The kind of hot that almost takes your breath away.

Around midnight last Sunday evening, my son Donnie received a call that his good friend had been killed in an auto accident. A 17 year old young man, who never met a stranger and was every bodies friend went out into eternity. There have been lots of tears and good memories being talked of. So sad. I can't imagine getting a call like that.

I've been working on 2 dolls. I successfully came up with 2 new knitted underwear patterns and I'm feeling pretty accomplished over that.

The first will be for my dolls that have all knitted clothing. They are more like wool shorties but I like them and they cover well besides being cute and totally knit in the round.

The other pattern is for my dolls who will wear a smocked dress. I like these so much! I've been thinking about how to do long underwear for a week. I'm sure as I do more they will get easier and maybe I'll get a better idea about doing the straps at the arms but for now I am more than pleased with these "long" underwear.
They button at the shoulders. I still need to sew the buttons on. They are so cute! This pair is knit out of a bamboo/silk combo. Interesting yarn to work with. It is very soft and has a nice sheen to it. I thought it would be hard to knit with because the yarn fibers seemed to come apart easy but I didn't have any trouble at all and it knit up real nice. It has a nice drape to it too. I don't know where to get it again. I found it a year or so ago on the clearance shelf of my favorite yarn store and bought it thinking it would be nice for doll unders.

I made a pink haired doll this week and at first I couldn't make up my mind if I liked it or not. I'm more of a "natural hair color only" girl. But the more I've worked on this dolly, Paisley is her name, the more I like her with her pink hair. I'll still be doing mostly natural hair colors but the idea I had for her wouldn't go away. So, I had to bring my idea to life. Who knows there may be more pink haired girls hiding in the recesses.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh -- Where is Paisley? I bet she's cute!

    This hot weather is beginning to take its toll on everyone I think. I hate to even look outside. It tried to shower here today and yesterday, but just not enough to settle the dust. Oh well, God hasn't forgotten us! At least it's cooler today; 116.5* yesterday!!

    Sorry to hear about the death of the young man; that's every parent's nightmare isn't it?
